Since DTE does not have a fund it
cannot take up big projects at present. Nonetheless, DTE cherishes the dream to establish schools in all villages and take
up massive projects for the development of the Sajek areas in future.
Present Activities
Presently the DTE with voluntary donations from its members is engaged in simple but useful activities for the welfare
of students and villagers:
1. Education:
- Finding opportunities for poor and meritorious village
students to study in charity institutions at free or low cost. DTE has successfully helped several Chakma tribal students
to get admission in a few Hindu and Christian missionary schools;
- Awareness campaigns to encourage the villagers to send
their children – both boys and girls - schools;
- Motive the students and their parents to continue higher
studies and help them according to their needs, in particular through career guidance and providing information on educational
institutions of excellence across India
- Work along side the teachers and the village councils
of the respective villages to help improve the educational environment in the villages.
- Provide remedial coaching classes to (i) weak students,
and (ii) help meritorious students to prepare for competitive examinations, including scholarship examinations or admission
tests to institutions of repute;
- Provide free text books and other study materials to
the needy school students;
- Providing career counseling to high school/ college students;
- Providing accurate and timely information about school/colleges/
universities to students for their timely benefit;
- Providing informations on job opportunities in both private
and public sectors; and
- Motivating and mobilizing the entire population to work
for education, development, peace and sustainability
2. Games and Sports
DTE encourages students and others to play useful games and sports but not to indulge in unwanted avocations like
playing game of cards, marble games, playing with dirt by children etc.
DTE also conducts inter-village games and sports with the help of local youth and social organizations.