Sajek is the name of the river which separates India (Mizoram) and Bangladesh.
The Sajek region of India lies on the west Mizoram on the peripheries of
the Sajek River that originates from the
hills in the Mizoram-Tripura border and flows into the Karnafuli
River in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. The region is sandwiched
between the hills of Chiitagong on the west and the highlands of the Lushai Hills to the east.
Sajek Valley of Mizoram lies outside the jurisdiction of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC) which was created
in 1972 in order to enable the Chakma community to preserve their distinct culture, literature and language, and allow them
to choose freely their political, social and economic development. But the Chakmas of Sajek areas have been deprived of the
benefits of all these it falls outside the CADC jurisdiction.
The area is extremely backward, with majority of villages without pucca
road, educational, healthcare and economic facilities. Medical facilities are non-existent, although there is high degree
of threat from malaria and other diseases. Dozens die due to lack of treatment. In the absence of any proper medical facilities
in place, the traditional village doctors are the only sign of hope to tackle the “unknown diseases” especially
during the summers.
Most villages are accessible only on foot.
Most Chakmas depend on JHUM cultivation, which is done on the hilly slop. They toil for the whole day yet earn hardly for the day's meal.
Life literally stops here after sunset due to absence of electricity. Although life for the Chakmas in Sajek is deplorable,
nature has bestowed peace and pathomless beauty. Its seclusion from a world outside, its tryst with a future unseen, its myriad
little beautiful dreams and its lonely struggle are all-pervading. The people here are simple, understanding and hospitable.